Shalom Kavod HaRav:
My Name is Alberto Bentzion Rodrigues Dasilva, married, 32 years old. Father of 2 wonderful kids - Baruch Hashem - in a 9 years old happy marriage. I'm a converted Jew living in Brazil, Sao Paulo, congregant of the Synagogue Adat Ieschurun.
I have a blog on which I comment in Brazilian Portuguese about Judaism, with a focus on Rationalism and Intellectual Honesty (
I recently took time to read a lot of publications on your web site -
- but one specially knocked me out - The UOJ State of the Jewish Union Address - where I found not only a wise answer that corroborate totally with my line of thought, but also inspired me to talk about it with others.
I run a Noahide Class too where I teach about Noahism!
It is Noahism with a"Rationalistic"perspective" (,
having a blog to share about it and a Virtual Class through Adobe Connect.
But your content about Judaism would be very rich in my Blog about Judaism. So I request you for permitting me to translate into Brazilian Portuguese that referred text. I do not represent though any institution, any "line of thinking" in Judaism, and for "Orthodox" Jews (unfortunately) I'm not even Jewish. Nonetheless I request your permission and hope to get some answer from you.
Dear Kavod HaRav - Shalom. Your texts is now translated into Brazilian Portuguese and published in my web blog at above address.
My wrote a brief introduction explaining myself to my readers - based on prevoius post - as follows:
Shalom everyone.
As we are speaking about the conflict between 'reality' and 'fantasy' of the fundamentalism system of seeing Judaism - and even worse - declaring itself the 'authentic' view of it, I present one more 'touch of reality' done by an Rabbi who has Orthodox ordination but - like me - got free from the tentacles of this octopus called 'Jewish religious Fundamentalism' (mostly know as Ultra- Orthodox Judaism), and he presents to us some of his considerations about the nowadays crisis the Judaism is being expoused - not because the scientific revolution - as mistakenly thinks those less or none informed but because of this reawaken of the Age of Darkness of Humanity through the fundamentalist way of thinking and its manifestations inside the People of Israel.
I bring you an translation (for which I received permission to do so from the Author) of the English article, called - The UOJ (Un-Orthodox Jew) Estate of the Jewish Union Address - This is one of the Classics of this Blog .
Thank You once more Kavod HaRav.
May Hashem rise up thousands like yourself and redeem the world from those who falsify His Name among the Nations!
Shalom a todos.
Como estamos falando sobre o choque entre a “realidade” e a “fantasia” do sistema fundamentalista de enxergar o Judaísmo – e pior ainda – declarando-se a ‘autêntica’ visão do mesmo; apresento mais um ‘toque de realidade’ feito por um Rabino de formação ‘Ortodoxa’, mas que – como eu – libertou-se dos tentáculos deste polvo chamado “fundamentalismo religioso Judaico” (popularmente chamado de “Judaísmo Ortodoxo”); e nos propõe algumas considerações suas sobre a atual crise que o Judaísmo enfrenta – não por causa da revolução científica – como erroneamente pensam os pouco ou nada informados; mas, especificamente, por causa do renascimento da Idade das Trevas da Humanidade, através do pensamento Fundamentalista em suas manifestações dentro do seio do povo de Israel.
Vos trago a tradução (para a qual recebi permissão do autor) do artigo em Inglês, intitulado ‘The UOJ (Un-Orthodox Jew) Estate of the Jewish Union Address. Este é um dos “clássicos” deste blog.
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