1-I really thought about showing up at the Agudah convention!
2-It is becoming more apparent to me that Lipa Margulies had the childrens' interest at heart when he decided to make Kolko the assistant principal at Yeshiva Torah Temimah in Brooklyn - New York!
3-Yaakov Applegrad convinced me that he knew nothing about Kolko being accused of raping little boys!
4-I ate matza shmura last night with the hashgocho of Yisroel Belsky!
5-I slept with a picture of Moshe Eisemann under my pillow!
6-I invited Avi Shafran to my pool for a Kool-Aid party!
7-I learned daf yomi with Rabbi Efraim Shapiro this morning!
8- I asked the mohel Yitzchak Fisher to infect me....because so far so good... as far as I can tell!
9-I invited Shalom, Mordecai and Aron Tendler to a sleepover at my house!
10-I believe Matisyahu Salomon - that only one pedophile in the Charedi community slipped through his fingers!
You may add your own list!
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