M'mamakim kiratichah Hashem - Hashem shema b'koli! CHAZAK - KLAL YISROEL - CHAZAK! B'AHAVAT YISROEL B'LEV SHALEM, K'SIV...
...But the awe, respect and fear the Vatican once commanded have given way to something new — rage, disgust and defiance...
after a long series of horrific revelations about decades of abuse of children entrusted to the church’s care by a reverential populace. Wh...
...."Missing out on some serious parts of what it means to be a successful human.”
"For the headmaster of an intensely competitive school, Randolph, who is 49, is surprisingly skeptical about many of the basic elements...
Clergy Abuse Victims File International Complaint Against Vatican!
In a related story: UOJ will request prosecution of the Agudah this Rosh HaShanah from the Bais Din shel Maala http://www.nytimes.com/2011/0...
MEL KAMINSKY AKA MEL BROOKS: "ITS GOOD TO BE A GADOL" By Tropper is Troubled: Documents from the UOJ Archives: The signed letter...
The Shomrim - Gotham's Crusaders!
Luzer Twersky still remembers the day he came back from shul to his Borough Park home to find his father waiting for him with an important q...
"Muslims in Germany" - Could Have Been Titled Orthodox Jews In America!
This article hits home; the overwhelming majority of our "arbitrators" or Bais Din representatives (batei din in the plural), are ...